understanding your medical insurance policy

  • How Do You Choose A Health Insurance Plan?

    28 June 2021

    A health emergency can put you in debt unless you have health insurance. Health insurance helps people pay for the care they need, whether that's routine care or emergency care. Before you can secure health insurance, you'll need to investigate and choose a health plan. Here are four things to look for when shopping for health insurance plans: 1. Family Coverage Every member of your family needs health insurance. In many cases, it's cheaper to purchase a family plan than for each person to pay for their own insurance.

  • 4 Things To Understand About Medicaid For Nursing Homes

    22 March 2021

    If you have a loved one that needs around-the-clock medical care, it may be time to investigate a nursing home for them. If your loved one doesn't have the money to pay out of pocket for nursing home care, Medicaid may be able to help. It is essential to understand how Medicaid and nursing homes work. 1. Not All Nursing Homes Accept Medicaid First, it is crucial to understand that nursing homes are not required to accept Medicaid patients.

  • 3 Tips To Keep In Mind As You Select Medicare Supplement Plans During The Open Enrollment Period

    25 November 2020

    Once a year, you have the opportunity to make changes to your Medicare coverage. One of the best ways to fill any coverage gaps in your regular Medicare coverage is by purchasing a Medicare supplement plan, which is also often referred to as a Medigap plan. During the open enrollment period, you can adjust the supplement plan that you are enrolled in. This opportunity is so that you can adjust your coverage to meet your current needs.

  • Getting Your Medicare Lined Up: What You Need To Do To Be Ready For It

    12 August 2019

    Medicare is not automatic when you retire. It does not simply go into effect when you hit that magic retirement number. Before you can begin receiving and using Medicare benefits, you have several steps in between no Medicare and Medicare recipient. Here is what any Medicare general agency will tell you that you need to do before you can officially receive Medicare benefits. Apply for Medicare Through Social Security's Website

  • Things To Know Before Selecting Medical Coverage

    18 April 2019

    If it's time for you to select a new medical insurance plan, you have a number of things to think about. Medical insurance plans can come with a lot of fine print, so it's important that you understand what you are getting before you sign up. Here's what you need to know to make sure you fully understand your insurance and select the plan that is best for you. Make Sure You Can Afford Both the Premium and the Deductible

  • Medicare Supplemental Insurance: Will It Help You?

    18 May 2017

    As someone who is older, retired, and no longer getting health insurance through a job, adjusting to Medicare can be challenging. When doing research on the different Medicare plans, you might start to see the phrase "supplemental insurance" pop up. Supplemental insurance (sometimes called Medigap plans) can provide you greater coverage in some cases, but first you've got to think about the issues below to see whether it would work for you.

  • 3 Reasons to Visit an Internal Medicine Specialist

    25 April 2017

    Even though most people know that there is an internal medicine doctor (or internist) located in their town or even know someone who visits one on a regular basis, many have no idea what an internal medicine doctor actually specializes in. An internal medicine specialist is a professional who has spent a great deal of their time learning about adult diseases and how they affect the processes and systems of the body.

  • 3 Facts You Need To Know When Choosing A Medicare Supplement For Your Disabled Child

    31 March 2017

    If your son or daughter under the age of 22 is disabled, he or she might be eligible for social security payments. When they have been receiving those payments for at least two years, it may now be possible to qualify for Medicare. Given that Medicare is a wonderful and important resource for disabled persons but does not cover all of your medical expenses without secondary coverage, a supplement to it is often recommended.

  • 5 Tips For Making The Most Of Your New Medicare Plan

    27 March 2017

    Most Americans over the age of 65 (and in some unique cases, those who are under age 65 but receive Social Security benefits) are eligible for Medicare health insurance benefits. If you've recently qualified for Medicare, here are five ways to make the most of this important benefit: Start with a List of Priorities Medicare plans vary in detail, including deductibles, services covered, prescription benefits, and more. A good way to help decide on the best plan is to start by making a list of your main priorities.

  • West Virginia Business Owners: 3 Reasons It's Time To Reevaluate Your Workers' Compensation Insurance Policy

    10 December 2015

    Do you own a business in West Virginia? If so, when was the last time you reviewed your workers' compensation insurance policy? Things have gotten a lot better for West Virginia business owners in need of Workers' Compensation insurance over the years. So if it's been a while, you could be missing out on some benefits if you don't take the time to do so. Check out these three ways West Virginia workers' compensation insurance is thriving.