understanding your medical insurance policy

  • Understanding Medicare Supplement Networks

    1 December 2022

    Open enrollment is the perfect time to change your Medicare supplement plan to a different company. While numerous programs are available in your state, they are not equal regarding accessibility. When comparing plans, you need to look at which doctors are in-network and which are not. But precisely what is a network, and why does this matter? Read on for more information.  What Is A Provider Network? A provider network is a group of health care providers within a geographical area with whom the plan has contracted to provide services to enrollees.

  • The Different Types Of Health Insurance Plans

    28 September 2022

    Are you shopping around for a health insurance plan, but feeling a bit confused by all your options? If so, it will help to know the key things to consider so that you make the right choice.   HMO and PPO The first big decision you'll need to make is if you want an HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) or PPO (Preferred-Provider Organization) plan. An HMO plan requires that you have a primary care physician that handles your referrals and recommendations for specialists.